Quem Domina os Domínios?

Desnecessário dizer que é o ICANN e por isso o Iraque e o Wikileaks tiveram seus domínios retirados do ar. Essa é uma prática comum no faroeste da internet. A China também pratica esse mesmo procedimento com sua grande muralha de fogo. Não adianta discutir a livre expressão se a infraestrutura é um patrimônio vulnerável a esse tipo de prática.

Foi em Novembro do ano passado. A ONU se reuniu no Brasil para discutir modos de gestão para a Internet Mundial. E nós estávamos lá. Para semear idéias. E aproveitamos para lançar a AREEVOL.

Foi quando enfrentamos a questão crucial do Fórum, que trouxe ao Brasil mais uma vez VINT CERF. No primeiro embate, ele era presidente do ICANN. Dessa vez veio como vice-president do Google. Veio para nos evangelizar. Mas acabou tendo suas posições políticas questionadas em inúmeras dimensões.

A respeitabilidade de Vint como um dos criadores do protocolo TCP-IP, utilizado pela internet, oferece a vantagem que toda celebridade tem. E ele utliza essa influência para defender os interesses dos grupos que representa, mundo a fora. Como nos filmes, os americanos sabem usar as vantagens para ampliar o espaço de influência.

Leia abaixo, um trecho de uma das sessões do IGF, onde o Executivo da AREEVOL atirou a primeira pedra, contra o processo de evangelização proposto por Vint Cerf…

Internet Governance Forum – 2 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12 November 2007 – Critical Internet Resources

Note: The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during the The 2nd Meeting of the IGF.  Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors.  It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should  not be treated as an authoritative record.

>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Thank you very much. I would like to go back to the
audience.  There is a question from Vladimir Cavalcante.  Yes.

>> VLADIMIR CAVALCANTE:  Good afternoon. I have not my question, so I will try
to remember the question. Some years ago, we have —

>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Would you introduce yourself.

>> VLADIMIR CAVALCANTE:  — we had a Rio ICANN meeting.  And the problem of
domains was mentioned as a — written calls in Portuguese, who (inaudible) the
domain. I think that there is a war between we and the problem.  Submissions,
who submits what to whom?  The process impedes people to express freely,
because they are submitted, right.  The governments cannot be — sorry — is
that okay?  Can you hear me?



>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Please.


>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Just be short, please.

>> VLADIMIR CAVALCANTE:  It will help me a lot. Since ICANN meeting in Rio when
Vinton Cerf was here, and ICANN, and we had proposal, the restoration of
at-large membership, I don’t know if someone here remembers that, but it
existed a long time ago.  We are looking a world vision, a different world
vision, not dominated, but not with the management of domains, and with a
semantic functionality very limited.  That’s the point. Why it’s so difficult
to institutions admit that publicly, in the public space? And, second, how to
evangelize with a (inaudible) with a lot of innovation.  That’s the question.

>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Thank you.  Vint.

>>VINT CERF:   I must confess that I’m having trouble fully understanding the
nature of the question. First of all, I don’t believe ICANN met in Rio seven
years ago.  It would have been Los Angeles or — sorry?

>> 2003.

>>VINT CERF:   2003.  But that was in Sao Paulo.

>> No.

>>VINT CERF:   It was here?  In Rio? [ Laughter ]

>>VINT CERF:   I don’t remember being in Rio. [ Laughter ]

>> Copacabana.

>>VINT CERF:   How quickly your memory goes away. Okay.  So but the question
you raise has to do with domain names and how hard it is to get them approved.
Is that what you were concerned about? I honestly did not follow the question.
So I’m just temporizing until you give up. I don’t have a good answer here.
I’m sorry.  I just literally do not understand what the question was. Mr.
Chairman, would you care to interpret the question?

>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Any other member of the panel?  Yes, please.

>>CARLOS AFONSO:   I will take advantage of the question.  I think we do have
channels within ICANN for participation.  And it would be absurd if we said
there aren’t. One of the spaces for civil society organizations is the NCUC,
regarding the discussion of generic domain names.  If anyone wants to
participate, there are channels.  There is the NCUC.  And, of course, there is
user community, represented through associations in the ALAC, which is working
and is open. So I would really encourage people to participate through these
channels as well in the ICANN process and discussions.

>>ULYSSE GOSSET:   Thank you.  We have a question from Everton Lucero, please.
What about Bertrand de la Chapelle?”

Final da transcrição.

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Vladimir Cavalcante – New Executive Officer AREEVOL

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